1-4-4-5-proverka-i-regulirovka-stoyanochnogo-tormoza.html Check and adjustment of the parking brake1. Extend the lever of the parking brake 2-ç of time.
2. Press a pedal of a brake 2–3 times.
3. Check size of a course of the lever of the parking brake. Slowly lift the lever against the stop, including heard clicks.
Lever course – 4–7 clicks
1. Adjust a gap between brake shoes and a brake drum.
2. Start the engine. Press a pedal of a brake 2–3 times.
3. Muffle the engine.
4. Remove furnish of the lever of the parking brake. Rotating an adjusting nut of a cable of a drive of the parking brake, adjust a course of its lever. After adjustment tighten an adjusting nut (fig. 1.176).
5. After adjustment carry out the following checks:
а) turn the ignition key in the situation "ON", extend the lever of the parking brake on only one click, be convinced that the indicator of the parking brake turned on;
б) be convinced that back wheels rotate freely at the switched-off parking brake.
If necessary repeat adjustment of a course of the lever of the parking brake.
6. Establish furnish of the lever of the parking brake.