1-4-4-1-proverka-urovnya-motornogo-masla.html Check of level of engine oil1. Be convinced that the car costs on an equal horizontal platform.
2. Warm up the engine to normal working temperature.
3. Muffle the engine and wait for not less than 5 mines that oil flew down in the pallet.
4. Take out control oil щуп, wipe it dry and again insert щуп against the stop (fig. 1.172).
5. Once again take out oil щуп and check on it oil level. Normal level of oil in the engine corresponds to a range between labels of the maximum and minimum level. If level of oil is about the bottom minimum label or below it, it is necessary to add to a label of a maximum level.
6. Before inserting oil щуп into the engine, be convinced that the sealing ring on щупе is on the place.
Change of level of oil between labels on oil щупе corresponds доливу or to an expense of the following volume of oil.
Switching on the lowest transfer