1-4-4-4-proverka-urovnya-rabochejj-zhidkosti-avtomaticheskojj-transmissii.html Check of level of working liquid of automatic transmissionIt is necessary to check regularly level of working liquid of automatic transmission. Check carry out as follows.
The volume of working liquid changes depending on temperature. Level of working liquid check at operation of the engine idling and normal temperature of liquid.
Insufficient level of working liquid causes a proskalzyvaniye of frictional elements of automatic transmission. Too high level of liquid can cause intensive foaming, loss of working liquid and violation of normal functioning of automatic transmission.
Use only the recommended working liquid. Application of any unrecommended worker of liquid can lead to violation of normal functioning and failure of automatic transmission.
1. Establish the car on an equal horizontal platform and turn on the parking brake.
2. Start the engine and press a brake pedal.
3. Serially transfer the lever of the switch of ranges to all provisions and then establish it in the situation "R" (parking).
Fig. 1.175. Check of level of working liquid of automatic transmission
4. In engine operating time idling take out control щуп automatic transmission and wipe it dry. Then insert щуп into place. Again take out control щуп. Normal level of working liquid corresponds to a range between labels on control щупе, see drawing 1.175.