Mazda 3 since 2003
1. Operation and car maintenance
1.1. Car description
1.2. System of passive safety
1.3. Car use to destination
1.3.1. Engine start-up
1.3.2. Management of a mechanical transmission
1.3.3. Management of an automatic transmission
1.3.4. System of course stability of the car (cruise control)
1.3.5. Protivobuksovochny system (TCS)
1.3.6. Protivozanosny system (DSC)
1.3.7. Stabilization of a back suspension bracket
1.3.8. Traction coupling device
1.4. Elimination of the malfunctions which have arisen in a way or before a start of motion
1.5. Tables
2. Engine
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body



1.3. Car use to destination

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1.3.1. Engine start-up