1.4.3. Car evacuation
We recommend to involve for car evacuation only specialized services of technical assistance on roads which belong to official dealers of Mazda, or operate independently.
In order to avoid car damages lifting and towage of the car carry out in strict accordance with instructions. Besides, observe all operating rules regulating evacuation of cars.
Towage of the front-wheel car carry out with the lifted forward wheels. If damages available on the car or other reasons do not allow to make it, use basic carts for forward wheels.
At towage of the front-wheel car with a support on back wheels switch off the parking brake.
It is forbidden to tow the car for back wheels with a support of forward driving wheels on the road. It will lead to a transmission exit out of operation.
If you cannot cause specialized service of evacuation, tow the car with an opiraniye of all wheels on the road, using a forward towing eye. It is thus authorized to tow the car only on roads with an advanced covering, on short distance (to 5 km) and on small speed (to 25 km/h).
At car towage with an opiraniye of all wheels on the road carry out the following instructions.
1. Include a neutral in a mechanical transmission, transfer the switch of ranges of automatic transmission to neutral situation (N).
2. Turn the ignition switch in the situation "ASS" (auxiliary consumers of the electric power) to prevent blocking of a steering wheel.
3. Switch off the parking brake.
Remember that at the idle engine of the car the steering hydraulic booster and the vacuum brake amplifier do not function.
Towing loops are intended for use in emergency situations (for example to pull out the got stuck car). Always watch that the towing cable or a chain were directed parallel to a longitudinal axis of the car. It is forbidden to load a towing loop with cross-section efforts. It is forbidden to use back loops for car towage. These loops are intended ONLY for car fastening at its transportation. Use for towage of the car will lead them to damage of a rear bumper.