Mazda 3 since 2003
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
2.1. General description of new engines of the L8, LF and L3 models
2.2. Mechanical part of engines
2.2.1. Engines of the L8 and LF models
2.2.2. Verification of the contents WITH / SN in the fulfilled gases Check conditions Check
2.2.3. Compression measurement in engine cylinders
2.2.4. Check of a belt of a drive of auxiliary units
2.2.5. General information and safety measures at removal of the power unit
2.2.6. Hermetic removal
2.2.7. Removal and installation of the power unit
2.2.8. Check of the executive mechanism of change of phases of a gazoraspredeleniye (L3)
2.2.9. Removal and installation of the executive mechanism of change of phases of a gazoraspredeleniye (L3)
2.2.10. Chain of a drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye
2.2.11. Removal and installation of the operating oil valve (OCV) (L3)
2.2.12. Check of the operating oil valve (OCV) (L3)
2.2.13. Check of operation of the zolotnikovy valve (OCV) (L3)
2.2.14. The general repair operations on the power unit
2.2.15. Check of a head of the block of cylinders
2.2.16. Assembly of the block of cylinders (beginning)
2.2.17. Assembly of the block of cylinders (termination)
2.2.18. Assembly of a head of the block of cylinders
2.2.19. Assembly of a drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye
2.3. Appendix 1
2.4. Appendix 2
2.5. Appendix 3
2.6. The Z6 engine – a mechanical part
2.7. Greasing system
2.8. Cooling system
2.9. Admission system
2.10. Fuel system
2.11. System of production of the fulfilled gases and system of decrease in toxicity
2.12. Ignition system
2.13. Control system
2.14. Tables
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body


2-2-2-2-proverka.html Check

Start the engine.
Increase frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft of the engine to 2500 mines-1 and let's to the engine work in this mode about three minutes.
Leave the engine to idle.
Insert a device probe for concentration measurement WITH / SN in the fulfilled gases into an exhaust pipe on depth not less than 40 see.
Immediately check instrument readings for concentration measurement WITH / SN in the fulfilled gases at operation of the engine idling and/or at frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft of 2500 mines-1.

At concentration measurement WITH / to SN in the fulfilled gases at the increased frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft of the engine value of frequency of rotation of the engine should correspond to requirements of the legislation of the country where the car is maintained, and can differ from the value given in the description of procedure of check (2500 mines-1).

If concentration WITH / to SN in the fulfilled gases of the engine does not correspond to legislative requirements for toxicity of the fulfilled gases, it is necessary to find out the reason of this discrepancy and to eliminate it. The operations procedure by search of the reason of the raised contents WITH / SN is given in the fulfilled gases below.
At the normal contents WITH in the fulfilled gases and the raised maintenance of SN (also rough operation of the engine idling can be observed) make specified below check (checks should be made in that order in which they are listed):
– check system of ignition of the engine (correctness of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition, a condition of spark plugs: working capacity, gap size between electrodes);
– check size of gaps in the mechanism of a drive of valves;
– check absence of leaks (in the closed condition) via inlet and final valves;
– check a condition of tsilindro-piston group of the engine.
At the lowered contents WITH in the fulfilled gases and the raised maintenance of SN (also rough operation of the engine idling can be observed and instability of instrument readings at SN measurement) make specified below check (checks should be made in that order in which they are listed):
– check absence подсоса air in admission system – in system of ventilation of a case of the engine, in connections of an inlet collector, in receiver connections, in connections of the block of a butterfly valve, through an idling regulator;
– check absence подсоса air through thinnesses of connections of hoses of the vacuum amplifier of brakes;
– check serviceability of system of injection of fuel (at operation of the engine on grown poor fuel - an air mix ignition admissions (are possible at serviceable system of ignition) that leads to concentration increase in the fulfilled gases of not burned down hydrocarbons (SN)).
At the raised contents WITH in the fulfilled gases and the raised maintenance of SN (also rough operation of the engine idling can be observed and a black smoke of an exhaust pipe) make specified below check (checks should be made in that order in which they are listed):
– check a condition of the air filter of the engine;
– check serviceability of a regulator of idling;
– check serviceability of system of elements of injection of fuel: a regulator of pressure of fuel, the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid, the electronic control unit of system of injection of fuel, fuel nozzles, the sensor of provision of a butterfly valve, the sensor of a consumption of air.

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2.2.3. Compression measurement in engine cylinders