1-1-7-32-ehlektricheskie-steklopodemniki.html Electric window regulatorsBefore including a window regulator on window closing, make sure that the aperture of a window is free and anybody from passengers cannot jam glass of a part of the body. Closing of windows by means of electric window regulators can represent danger. If rising glass clamps a hand, the head or a neck of the passenger, it can get serious traumas or even to be lost.
This caution in particular concerns children.
Leaving in the car of juvenile children without supervision, always take out from the lock the ignition key. On ignorance children can include electrowindow regulators.
Before closing of windows be convinced that anybody from passengers cannot jam hands or fingers in a window aperture.
It is recommended to instruct all passengers about security measures when using electrowindow regulators, having paid special attention to safety of children.
Fig. 1.85. Main switches of window regulators: 1–window regulator of the left back door; 2–window regulator of a driver's door; 3–window regulator of the right forward door; 4–window regulator of the right back door
In order to avoid a peregoraniye of the electric fuse and damage of system of electric window regulators it is not necessary to include at the same time more than three window regulators.
The electric window regulator of each passenger door can cope the corresponding switch located on an armrest of a door. For this purpose it is necessary, that the button of blocking of the window regulators, located on the control panel by window regulators on an armrest of a driver's door, it was not pressed.
Windows of passenger doors can be open or closed by means of the corresponding main switches established on the control panel by window regulators on an armrest of a driver's door.
The main switches located on the panel of a driver's door, and also the switches located on passenger doors, allow to carry out the following functions:
– lifting and lowering of glasses manually;
– automatic lifting and lowering of glasses;
– two-level lowering of glass.
Management of lifting and lowering of glasses manually (fig. 1.86).
Fig. 1.86. Scheme of management of lifting and lowering of glasses manually
To lower glass in demanded situation, press a switch key down and hold it in the course of glass lowering. To lift glass in demanded situation, slightly press a switch key up and hold it in the course of glass lifting.
Completely to open a window in an automatic mode, press a switch key against the stop down and then release. Completely to close a window in an automatic mode, lift a switch key against the stop up and then release.
You can stop glass in any intermediate situation in process of automatic lifting or lowering. For this purpose shortly press a switch key respectively down or up and then release a key.
If in the course of maintenance of the car or for other reasons the storage battery was disconnected from an onboard network of the car, work of electric window regulators in an automatic mode will be broken: windows will not open and be closed completely. The main switches of window regulators located on a driver's door, do not allow to restore an automatic operating mode of electric window regulators of passenger doors. To renew normal functioning of electrowindow regulators in an automatic mode, execute the following operations on each passenger door.
and. Turn the ignition switch in the situation "ON" (ignition is included);
B. Press a key of the switch of an electric window regulator and completely open a window;
century. Raise a key of the switch and completely close a window. Continue to hold a key in the pressed situation about 2 more with after glass will come to extreme top situation.
After performance described above operations on each passenger door it is possible to open and close completely windows in automatic a mode, using the corresponding main switches of window regulators located on the control panel window regulators on a driver's door.
Function of two-level lowering of glass.
At completely closed window slightly press a switch key – thus glass will fall approximately by 3 cm and will stop. If you continue to press and hold a key in the pressed situation, glass will continue to fall down.
The short pressing a key of the switch of an electrowindow regulator at completely closed window provides glass lowering approximately on 3 cm and sufficient ventilation of salon of the car.
Shutdown of function of two-level lowering of glass.
To disconnect function of two-level lowering of glass on each passenger door, execute the following operations, using the main switches of electric window regulators:
and. Turn the ignition switch in the situation "ON" (ignition is included) and within five seconds press a key two times against the stop down, then – two times against the stop up;
B. Turn the ignition switch in the situation "LOCK" (blocking);
century. During 40 спосле it turn the ignition switch in the situation "ON" (ignition is included). Then within five seconds press a key two times against the stop down, then – two times against the stop up.
Function of two-level lowering of glass will not be disconnected, if all described above operation were not complete at the scheduled time or the sequence of operations was changed on a performance course. To repeat procedure of shutdown of function, turn the ignition switch in the situation "LOCK" (blocking) and repeat procedure.
Activization of function of two-level lowering of glass.
Again to activate this function, execute once again all operations which are provided for shutdown of function of two-level lowering of glass.
Function of protection against a jamming glass.
If in the course of lifting (in an automatic mode or at management of a window regulator manually) glass jams a hand or the head of the passenger or any other subject, it will stop and will partially fall down.
Watch that rising glass jammed nothing near extreme top situation, and also be attentive, holding manually a switch key in the provision of lifting of glass. The jamming glass when it almost reached the top extreme situation or when the key of the switch keeps manually in the pressed situation, represents danger. In similar cases function of protection against a jamming glass does not operate. If glass jams fingers, is is fraught with a serious travmirovaniye.
Depending on car traffic conditions in the course of closing of a window there can be stops and partial lowering of glass if it tests the pushes similar to loadings at a jamming in an aperture of a window of any subjects.
In case of operation of safety function and impossibility completely to close a window in an automatic mode press a switch key up and hold her in the pressed situation until the window will not be closed.
Functioning of electric window regulators at the switched-off ignition.
Electric window regulators can work behind closed doors approximately during 40 спосле turn of the switch of ignition from the situation "ON" (ignition is included) in the situation "ASS" (auxiliary consumers of the electric power) or «LOCK» (blocking). If to open any door, electric window regulators will not work.
Switch of blocking of electric window regulators.
Fig. 1.87. Scheme of operation of the switch of blocking of electric window regulators
If the button of blocking of electric window regulators is not pressed, electric window regulators can be operated by means of the corresponding door switches (fig. 1.87).
If the button of blocking of window regulators is pressed, it is possible to operate only a window regulator of a driver's door.
At the pressed button of blocking of electric window regulators illumination of keys of switches of window regulators does not work (remains the key of the switch of a window regulator of a driver's door included only illumination). Illumination of keys is difficult for noticing at bright surrounding lighting.