1-1-7-17-rychag-upravleniya-ukazatelyami-povorota.html Control lever turn indexes
Fig. 1.68. Scheme of work of a control lever turn indexes
Press the lever down (at turn to the left) or up (at turn to the right) before fixed situation (fig. 1.68). The lever will automatically come back to a starting position, and indexes of turn will be switched off at a car exit from turn. If indexes of turn continue to blink after completion of turn, return the lever to a starting position compulsorily. The blinking of indexes of turn is accompanied by a blinking of the corresponding green indicators on the dashboard.
Evolution alarm system.
Slightly press the lever according to the direction of made maneuver (without leading up the lever to fixed situation) to include turn indexes. In the course of evolution hold the lever in the pressed situation. After an otpuskaniye the lever will automatically return to a starting position, and indexes of turn will be switched off.
If the indicator burns constantly (does not blink) or blinks with the increased frequency, the possible reason is the peregoraniye of one of lamps of indexes of turn.