Fig. 1.8. A general view of podkapotny space of cars with ZJ engines and Z6: 1–broad tank; 2–cover of a maslozalivny mouth of the engine; 3–air purifier; 4–tank of the main brake cylinder and main cylinder of a hydraulic actuator of coupling (a mechanical transmission); 5–storage battery; 6–block of fuses; 7–control щуп automatic transmission; 8–oil щуп engine; 9–tank of a gidrousislitel of a steering; 10-cover of a jellied mouth of a radiator; 11-tank of a washer of a windscreen
The general view of podkapotny space of cars with ZJ engines and Z6 is shown on fig. 1.8, and cars with the LF engine – on fig. 1.9.
Fig. 1.9. A general view of podkapotny space of cars with the LF engine: 1–broad tank; 2–cover of a maslozalivny mouth of the engine; 3–tank of the main brake cylinder and main cylinder of a hydraulic actuator of coupling (a mechanical transmission); 4–storage battery; 5–main electric safety lock; 6–block of fuses; 7–air purifier; 8–tank of a gidrousislitel of a steering; 9–tank of a washer of a windscreen