1-1-7-30-plafony-osveshheniya-salona.html Plafonds of illumination of salonLighting system when landing in the car and an exit from the car.
The lighting system at a landing/exit from the car provides inclusion of the top plafond (the switch of a plafond is in the situation "DOOR" (management from doors)) illumination of salon and additional plafonds of illumination of a zone about car thresholds:
– approximately on 30 with the ambassador of unlocking of the lock of a driver's door and turn of the switch of ignition in the situation "LOCK" (blocking) (thus the ignition key will take out from the lock);
– approximately on 15 with the ambassador of closing of all doors of the car (if the car is equipped with system of access and engine start-up without a key, the top plafond of illumination of salon joins approximately on 5 with after the nosimy Advanced Key card appears outside of the car);
– approximately on 15 with the ambassador of a vynimaniye of a key from the ignition lock when all doors are closed.
Fig. 1.83. Lobbies and back plafonds of illumination of salon: 1–the situation "DOOR" (management from doors); 2–situation "is switched off"; 3–situation "is included"
Forward plafonds and back plafonds are shown in drawing 1.83.
Plafonds of lighting are switched off in the following cases:
– at turn of the switch of ignition in the situation "ON" (ignition is included) when all doors of the car are closed;
– when locking the lock of a driver's door.