2-6-4-5-ustanovka-cepi-privoda-mekhanizma-gazoraspredeleniya.html Installation of a chain of a drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye
Fig. 2.262. Places of drawing of hermetic on a forward cover of the engine
Put kremniyevoorganichesky hermetic on a forward cover of the engine, as is shown in drawing 2.262.
Establish a forward cover of the engine through 10 минпосле drawings of kremniyevoorganichesky hermetic.
Thickness of the roller of put hermetic: 2–4 mm.
Fig. 2.263. Order of a tightening of bolts of fastening of a forward cover of the engine
Tighten bolts of fastening of a forward cover of the engine in an order shown in drawing 2.263.
Establish a bolt No. 1, using a new sealing washer.
Put on a forward epiploon pure engine oil.
Insert a forward epiploon into a forward cover of the engine hands.
Press a forward epiploon, using the special adaptation and a hammer (fig. 2.264).
Depth of a press fitting: from a forward cover of the engine – 0–0.5 mm.
Fig. 2.265. Scheme of a press fitting of a new forward epiploon