2-6-4-1-snyatie.html RemovalUncover the storage battery.
Disconnect a negative wire from the storage battery.
Merge from the engine cooling liquid.
Remove the following elements:
– forward wheel (right);
– bottom cover and mudguard (right);
– knot of the air filter;
– ignition coils;
Fig. 2.252. Components of a chain of a drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye: 1–cover of a head of the block of cylinders; 2–bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft; 3–pulley of a cranked shaft; 4–tension pulley; 5–automatic natyazhitel of a driving belt; 6–engine No. 3 support; 7–tube control щупа oil level; 8–forward cover of the engine; 9–natyazhitel of a chain; 10-lever of a natyazhitel of a chain; 11-directing to a chain; 12-chain of a drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye; 13-asterisk of a cranked shaft; 14-shponka
– driving belt;
– the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering without a detachment of an oil hose and an oil pipeline.
Fix the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering a rope in the situation which is not disturbing to service.
Remove a tank of cooling liquid and the amplifier of a steering with the connected hoses and pipelines.
Remove the generator.
Remove the pump of cooling liquid
Remove an arm of a rope of an accelerator (from a body)
Disconnect a grounding wire (an engine No. 3 support)
Disconnect the following elements:
– ventilation hose;
– a plait of wires of the operating oil valve;
– socket of the sensor of position of the crankshaft.
Uncover heads of the block of cylinders.
Fix a pulley of a cranked shaft, using special adaptations and remove a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft (fig. 2.253).
Remove a pulley of a cranked shaft, a tension pulley and an automatic natyazhitel of a driving belt.
Fig. 2.254. A motor jack for engine fixing before support No. 3 removal
Fix the engine, using a motor jack and an extra and remove a support No. 3 (fig. 2.254).
Lift the receiver control щупа oil level.
Remove a forward cover of the engine.
Remove a forward epiploon, using a screw-driver with a flat shliyets (fig. 2.255).