Mazda 3 since 2003
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
2.1. General description of new engines of the L8, LF and L3 models
2.2. Mechanical part of engines
2.3. Appendix 1
2.4. Appendix 2
2.5. Appendix 3
2.6. The Z6 engine – a mechanical part
2.6.1. Check of a belt of a drive of auxiliary units
2.6.2. Check of thermal gaps in the mechanism of a drive of valves
2.6.3. Compression check
2.6.4. Removal and installation of a chain of a drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye Removal Removal of a natyazhitel of a chain Removal of a chain of a drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye Installation of a chain of a drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye Installation of a chain of a drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye Installation of a support of the engine No. 3 Installation of a support of a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft Installation of a cover of a head of the block of cylinders Final installation
2.6.5. Replacement of laying of the block of cylinders
2.6.6. Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft
2.6.7. Replacement of a back epiploon of a cranked shaft
2.6.8. Removal and engine installation
2.7. Greasing system
2.8. Cooling system
2.9. Admission system
2.10. Fuel system
2.11. System of production of the fulfilled gases and system of decrease in toxicity
2.12. Ignition system
2.13. Control system
2.14. Tables
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body


2-6-4-1-snyatie.html Removal

Uncover the storage battery.
Disconnect a negative wire from the storage battery.
Merge from the engine cooling liquid.
Remove the following elements:
– forward wheel (right);
– bottom cover and mudguard (right);
– knot of the air filter;
– ignition coils;

Fig. 2.252. Components of a chain of a drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye: 1–cover of a head of the block of cylinders; 2–bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft; 3–pulley of a cranked shaft; 4–tension pulley; 5–automatic natyazhitel of a driving belt; 6–engine No. 3 support; 7–tube control щупа oil level; 8–forward cover of the engine; 9–natyazhitel of a chain; 10-lever of a natyazhitel of a chain; 11-directing to a chain; 12-chain of a drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye; 13-asterisk of a cranked shaft; 14-shponka

– driving belt;
– the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering without a detachment of an oil hose and an oil pipeline.

Fix the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering a rope in the situation which is not disturbing to service.

Remove a tank of cooling liquid and the amplifier of a steering with the connected hoses and pipelines.
Remove the generator.
Remove the pump of cooling liquid
Remove an arm of a rope of an accelerator (from a body)
Disconnect a grounding wire (an engine No. 3 support)
Disconnect the following elements:
– ventilation hose;
– a plait of wires of the operating oil valve;
– socket of the sensor of position of the crankshaft.
Uncover heads of the block of cylinders.

Fig. 2.253. Fixing of a pulley of a cranked shaft

Fix a pulley of a cranked shaft, using special adaptations and remove a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft (fig. 2.253).
Remove a pulley of a cranked shaft, a tension pulley and an automatic natyazhitel of a driving belt.

Fig. 2.254. A motor jack for engine fixing before support No. 3 removal

Fix the engine, using a motor jack and an extra and remove a support No. 3 (fig. 2.254).
Lift the receiver control щупа oil level.
Remove a forward cover of the engine.

Fig. 2.255. Removal of a forward epiploon

Remove a forward epiploon, using a screw-driver with a flat shliyets (fig. 2.255).

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2.6.4. Removal and installation of a chain of a drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye
following page» Removal of a natyazhitel of a chain