1-4-1-2-zapasnoe-koleso.html Spare wheelMazda cars can be completed both a low-dimensional spare wheel, and the spare wheel unified with other wheels of the car.
The spare wheel unified with other wheels of the car.
The car is equipped with a spare wheel with the tire of the same type, dimension and model that are established on other four wheels of the car. It allows to use a spare wheel both for replacement of the damaged wheel, and for periodic shift of wheels.
Low-dimensional spare wheel.
The low-dimensional wheel is intended only for SHORT-TERM USE in case of damage of a wheel of the car. It is forbidden to use a low-dimensional wheel for long movement on considerable distances.
When using a low-dimensional spare wheel stability of movement of the car worsens, therefore, operating the car, be especially careful. In order to avoid damage of a low-dimensional spare wheel or the car observe the following precautionary measures.
– Do not exceed speed of 80 km/h.
– Avoid moving through obstacles in the road. Besides, do not call in on the mechanized automobile sink. As diameter of a low-dimensional wheel is less, than regular wheels, the road gleam of the car will decrease approximately on 10–25 mm.
– It is forbidden to establish an antisliding chain on a spare wheel.
– It is forbidden to establish a low-dimensional spare wheel on cars of other brands and models.
– On the car it is authorized to establish no more than one low-dimensional spare wheel at the same time.
Fig. 1.162. Extraction of a spare wheel (cars with a body "sedan")
To get a spare wheel (cars with a body "sedan") execute the following actions (fig. 1.162).
1. Take out the panel of a floor of a luggage compartment.
2. Rotating the handle counter-clockwise, unscrew fixing screw.
Fig. 1.163. Extraction of a spare wheel (cars with a body "hatch-back")
For extraction of a spare wheel (cars with a body "hatchback") execute the following operations (fig. 1.163).
1. Remove a floor mat and take out the floor panel, then take out the pallet from a luggage compartment.
2. A wheel key unscrew a bolt of fastening of a spare wheel (rotating a bolt counter-clockwise).
Laying of a spare wheel in marching situation is carried out in return sequence.