1-4-6-3-mojjka-i-nanesenie-voskovojj-pasty.html Sink and drawing of wax pasteThe wash of the car when its surface is heated up by sunshine, is inadmissible, therefore wash it only in a shadow.
Wash the car as it is possible more often. Dirt is an abrasive material and can scratch the car if it not to wash away. The polluted air or an acid rain can damage a paint and varnish covering during chemical reaction. If you live at the sea or in the region (country) where road salt or chemicals for care of roads is used, give particular attention to the bottom of your car.
In winter time or after driving on the dirty wet road carefully wash out the car bottom. to remove stratifications of dirt and corrosion and active materials, use a strong stream of water. Wash the car with high-quality shampoo and follow instructions of his manufacturer on packing. Do not use strong household cleaners, gasoline, solvents and abrasive cleaners as it can damage a paint and varnish covering of the car. Use a pure sponge or a fabric, often moistening it, and do not damage a paint and varnish covering too strong friction. If dirt dried, plentifully moisten and accurately remove it.
Wheels wash with a soft brush or the rag moistened in neutral washing solution from rough wool.
For cleaning of plastic wheel caps use a pure sponge or a soft fabric and water.
Wash aluminum rims with weak neutral washing solution or neutral detergent. Do not use abrasive cleaners. Unprotected metal surfaces after a sink polish and put wax paste. As aluminum is subject to corrosion, in the winter after driving on the roads covered with salt, carefully wash aluminum rims.
After a wash of the car accurately it wipe. After drying soap water leaves stains on paint.
After rubbing wipe the car dry completely having removed water from a paint and varnish covering, but do not rub strongly to damage it.
At detection of dents or scratches on a paint and varnish covering cover them with repair paint to prevent emergence of corrosion. For protection of a paint and varnish covering wash the car, at least once a month. Give particular attention to salt and dirt removal from under car wings. Be convinced that drainage openings are free. Damage of a paint and varnish covering can be caused by tar spots, production emissions, charcoal and the remains of insects if all this is not immediately removed. If simple water is insufficiently effective for removal of the collected dirt, use neutral solutions for a car wash. For solution removal after a sink surely wipe the car. Do not allow solution drying on a paint and varnish covering of the car.