1-4-5-7-lampy-fonarejj-stop-signalov-zadnikh-gabaritnykh-fonarejj-lampy.html Lamps of lamps of stoplights / back dimensional lamps, a lamp of lamps of back indexes of turn (cars with a body "sedan")1. Extend cores and take out plastic holders who fix the back panel of an upholstery of a luggage carrier. Remove the panel of an upholstery of a luggage carrier.
Fig. 1.192. Procedure of replacement of a lamp of lamps of stoplights / back dimensional lamps, lamp of lamps of back indexes of turn
2. Dismantle plastic holders and unbend a back part of a lateral upholstery of a luggage compartment. To remove the plastic holder of an upholstery, extend the core and take out the holder (fig. 1.192).
3. Turn a cartridge with a lamp counter-clockwise and take out it from the lamp case.
4. Take out a lamp from the boss.
5. Establish a new lamp and execute described above operation in return sequence.