1-1-10-8-avtomaticheskaya-sistema-upravleniya-mikroklimatom.html Automatic control system of a microclimateThe AUTO switch (automatic mode) (see fig. 1.107).
Fig. 1.107. Appearance of the control panel of automatic central air of air: 1–switch of frequency of rotation of the fan; 2–switch of modes of distribution of air; 3–switch обдува windscreen; 4–air temperature regulator; 5–AUTO switch (an automatic mode); 6–conclusion to the display of temperature of air; 7–switch of modes of ventilation of salon; 8–switch of the conditioner of air; 9–the OFF switch it (is switched off)
By pressing the AUTO switch (an automatic mode) the system of climate control carries out the following automatic functions (according to the set air temperature in car salon):
– regulation of temperature of air submitted to salon;
– regulation of frequency of rotation of the fan (amount of the air submitted to salon);
– switching of modes of distribution of air;
– switching of modes of forced ventilation and air retsirkulyatsiya;
– inclusion and switching off of the conditioner of air;
– switching of operating modes of the conditioner of A/C or A/C ECON air.
The indicator which has been built in the button of the AUTO switch.
The burning indicator specifies that the system of climate control functions in an automatic mode.
If the built-in indicator does not burn, the driver manually means changed one or several working hours of system of climate control (for example, switched a mode of distribution of air, changed frequency of rotation of the fan, pressed the switch of the conditioner of air or the switch обдува a windscreen). Thus the system supports the mode which has been set by the driver manually. For the rest, the system of climate control continues to function in an automatic mode.
The OFF switch it (is switched off) (see fig. 1.107).
By pressing the OFF switch the system of climate control is disconnected.
Air temperature is regulated by handle rotation: clockwise – increases, and counter-clockwise – decreases.
Fig. 1.109. Adjustment of frequency of rotation of the fan
Seven speeds of rotation of the fan are provided. The chosen frequency of rotation of the fan is reflected in the information display.
The switch of modes of distribution of air (see fig. 1.107).
By means of the switch it is possible to choose a demanded mode of distribution of air.
If the mode and air temperature is included is set at the average level, in a zone of an arrangement of feet of the driver and passengers warm air arrives, and more cool goes to salon through the central and lateral ventilating lattices located in the control panel.
Switch of the conditioner of air.
If the system of climate control works in an automatic mode or the fan is switched on, by means of the A/C button it is possible to include or switch off the air conditioner (carrying out functions of cooling and air drainage).
The choice between the A/C and A/C ECON modes is carried out automatically. In an economic mode (А/С ESO) efficiency of cooling of air and condensate removal from a windscreen decrease. However, use of this mode allows to lower load of air central air. The conditioner of air can not work, if the temperature of air comes nearer to 0 °C (the indicator continues to burn even if the system is switched off).
Switch of modes of ventilation of salon.
You can choose a mode of forced ventilation or a mode of a retsirkulyatsiya of air. Press the switch button to choose one of two modes of ventilation of salon.