6.2.2. Check of level of brake liquid in a tank of a hydraulic actuator of working brake systemThe tank for brake liquid is located in a motor compartment.
The tank has the transparent case therefore level of brake liquid can be supervised outside.
Level of brake liquid should be always closer to a label "MOVE".
If level of brake liquid too low, before removal of a stopper from a compensatory tank pure rags wipe a stopper and a place about a stopper from pollution to exclude dirt hit in a hydraulic contour of brakes.
Add the recommended brake liquid in a tank. Mixing of various types of brake liquid can damage hydraulic system.
It is necessary to check hoses of brake system, at least, two times a year.
For the prevention of sudden refusal of brake system carefully check a condition of all pipelines and connections, paying special attention to the following:
Metal pipelines should not have scratches and the centers of corrosion and should be far from sharp edges which can damage them.
The brake hose should be elastic, not have anguishes and cracks and is closed strongly up in tips. The carving of tips of a hose should not have damages. If by pressing a brake pedal the hose is inflated, means threads of cords are torn. At detection of any of these defects it is necessary to replace a hose. On hoses mineral oils and the greasings dissolving rubber should not get.
All brackets of fastening of pipelines should be whole and are well fixed. Weakening of fastening or destruction of brackets leads to vibration of pipelines which causes their breakages.
Leakage of brake liquid from connections of the main cylinder with pipelines and a tank is not allowed.
At detection of malfunctions replace the damaged details new. Flexible hoses, irrespective of their condition, replace new after 120 thousand km of run or after five years of operation of the car to warn sudden gaps because of rubber aging. The brake hose rubbing against a detail of a suspension bracket, wears out and finally fails.
For check use a mirror and illumination.