6.2.13. Replacement of forward brake shoes
When the case of the cylinder is open, do not press a brake pedal, the piston differently will jump out. Do not damage a boot of the piston and do not allow oil hit on a brake disk. Blocks always replace together with laying. If on laying there are traces of a rust or an otslaivaniye of a rubber covering, replace them new. A connecting bolt turn off only when dismantling and support replacement assembled. In these cases suspend the cylinder case on a wire so that not to stretch a brake hose. See off to extra earnings of frictional surfaces of brakes in case of boring or replacement of drums or disks, after replacement of brake shoes or frictional slips, and also if after small run the pedal starts to "fail".
Fig. 6.42. Forward brake shoes: 1–brake shoes; 2–coupling springs; 3–tightening plates