8.5.3. Block of central air of airThe block of central air of air unites cooling and heating blocks.
Work of a zaslonka of management as a heater
Fig. 8.62. Work of a zaslonka of management as a heater: 1–air stream; 2–zaslonka of management of a heater; 3–evaporator; 4–heater radiator; 5–block of central air of air; 6–the cold; 7–the hot; 8–cold air; 9–warm air
Zaslonka of management of a heater, established in the block of central air of air, operates supply of hot or cold air, depending on the provision of a regulator of temperature. Management of air temperature is carried out at the expense of change of distribution of air streams.
Work of a zaslonka of management as a mode обдува
Zaslonka of management of a mode обдува can be established in one of provisions: VENT, BI-LEVEL, HEAT, HEAT/DEF or DEFROSTER, depending on situation a mode regulator обдува.
Fig. 8.63. Work of a zaslonka of management as a mode обдува: 1–air stream; 2–zaslonka of management of a mode обдува; 3–evaporator; 4–heater radiator; 5–block of central air of air; 6–to the central channel; 7–to the lateral channel; 8–to forward and back channels of heating; 9–to the deflector of system of heating and the lateral channel; 10-VENT; 11-BI-LEVEL; 12-HEAT; 13-HEAT/DEF; 14-DFROSTER; 15-cold air; 16-warm air
As a result, the mode of airdistribution changes.