7-3-1-5-sistema-avtomaticheskogo-vyravnivaniya-far.html System of automatic alignment of headlightsSystem of automatic alignment of headlights (fig. 7.17)
Fig. 7.17. System of automatic alignment of headlights: 1–control unit of automatic alignment (main); 2–control unit of automatic alignment (additional); 3–forward sensor of automatic alignment; 4–back sensor of automatic alignment; 5–executive mechanism of alignment headlights (left); 6–executive mechanism of alignment headlights (right); 7–ABS/TCS HU/CM or DSC HU/CM
Optical axes of headlights are automatically established under certain corners for improvement of visibility and prevention of dazzle of drivers of counter vehicles at change of speed or car loading.
Fig. 7.18. The scheme of work of system of automatic alignment of headlights at change of loading of the car: 1–zeroing; 2–increase in loading; 3–control unit of automatic alignment (main); 4–control unit of automatic alignment (additional); 5–forward sensor of automatic alignment; 6–back sensor of automatic alignment; 7–executive mechanism of alignment headlights (left); 8–executive mechanism of alignment headlights (right); 9–ABS/TCS HU/CM or DSC HU/CM; 10-a difference between two signals of tension; 11-spatial position of the car; 12-size of adjustment of an optical axis; 13-optical axis; 14-reference mark; 15-highly; 16-low
Fig. 7.19. The scheme of work of system of automatic alignment of headlights at car movement: 1–zeroing; 2–acceleration; 3–delay; 4–control unit of automatic alignment (main); 5–control unit of automatic alignment (additional); 6–forward sensor of automatic alignment; 7–back sensor of automatic alignment; 8–executive mechanism of alignment headlights (left); 9–executive mechanism of alignment headlights (right); 10-ABS/TCS HU/CM or DSC HU/CM; 11-a difference between two signals of tension; 12-spatial position of the car; 13-calculation of a corner of acceleration; 14-change of speed of the car; 15-size of adjustment of an optical axis; 16-optical axis; 17-reference mark; 18-highly; 19-low; 20-speed of the car; 21-time