7-2-1-6-zaryadka-polnostyu-razryazhennojj-akkumulyatornojj-batarei.html A charging of completely discharged battery room of the batteryThe following procedure use for a recharge of completely discharged battery.
Measure tension on battery plugs by the exact voltmeter. If value of the measured size is lower 10 in, the current of a charging will be very low, and on a charging the extra time is required.
Put the charger on a high place. Some chargers have the scheme of protection against the return polarity preventing a charging at the wrong connection with plugs of the battery. Completely discharged battery has no sufficient tension to put in action this scheme even if wires are connected correctly. It will lead to that the battery will not be charged. Therefore follow special instructions of the producer of chargers that the charger turned on and started to charge the battery with a low voltage.
In chargers tension and current regulators are provided. Values of time necessary for a charging of the battery depending on various values of tension, are given below.
Time of a charging of the storage battery depending on initial tension of the battery
If it is impossible to measure the charge received by the battery after the expiration of time of a charging, it is necessary to replace the battery.
If the received charge is measured in charging process, the battery is serviceable, and the charging should be finished in the usual way.