5.3.1. Precautionary measures at work with system of passive safety (SRS)
Maloperation with the module of a safety cushion can lead to sudden operation of a pillow and a travmirovaniye of the working. Surely familiarize with safety rules at performance of these works.
The Mazda 3 car is equipped with system of passive safety which includes an inflatable safety cushion of the driver, an inflatable safety cushion of the forward passenger, a lateral inflatable safety cushion and a lateral inflatable shtorka of safety. At violation of sequence of performance of operations the system of passive safety that will lead to accident can unexpectedly work. If at service of system of passive safety the mistake was allowed, the system can will not execute the functions at collision. Before service performance (including removal or installation of elements, their check or replacement), attentively read the following items, and then execute the operations described in the repair manual.
It is possible to start to work through 90 with after the ignition key will turn in the situation "LOCK", and the wire is disconnected from the negative (–) a conclusion of the storage battery. (The system of passive safety is equipped with the spare power supply therefore if to start to work earlier, than through 90 with from the moment of disconnection of a wire from the negative (–) a conclusion of the storage battery, the system of passive safety can work.).
Do not subject modules of safety cushions in the button of a sound signal, the dashboard, and also sensors of safety cushions to direct effect of hot air or a flame.
It is difficult to confirm signs of malfunction of system of passive safety, therefore diagnostic codes are the most important source of information by search of malfunctions.
Even in cases of insignificant collisions when the system of passive safety does not work, check modules and sensors of inflatable safety cushions.
Before carrying out repair remove the sensor of an inflatable safety cushion, in order to avoid its damage.
Never use details of system of passive safety from other car. Replace details new. Do not assort and do not repair modules and sensors of inflatable safety cushions for their reuse. If modules and sensors of inflatable safety cushions fell, have cracks, dents or other defects on cases, arms or sockets, replace them new.
By search of malfunctions in electric chains of system use volt/ohmmeter with a high impedance (not less than 10 kiloohms / In).
Elements of system of passive safety are supplied with information labels. Follow instructions on these labels.
Upon termination of works with system of passive safety check a lamp of its alarm system. At a wire detachment from the negative (–) a conclusion of the storage battery memory of hours and an audiosystem is disconnected. Before the beginning of works write down contents of memory of an audiosystem. After performance of all operations restore settings of an audiosystem and establish time on hours. For prevention of deleting of memory in remembering systems never use an external source of a reserve food.