4-1-1-1-predvaritelnaya-proverka-regulirovki-ustanovki-koles.html Preliminary check of adjustment of installation of wheelsCheck pressure in tires, finish pressure in them to norm.
Check a gap in bearings of forward wheels and adjust it if necessary.
Check tire and wheel palpation.
Check spherical hinges and a steering drive on existence of excessive gaps.
Shake the car for check of operation of shock-absorbers.
The car should be unloaded. Fill completely fuel tank and put it on a horizontal equal surface.
Levels of cooling liquid of the engine and engine oil should be in norm.
The spare wheel, jack and the tool – are on regular places.
Measure height from the wheel center to edge of a wing.
The difference between result of measurement at the left and on the right should not exceed 10 mm.
Fig. 4.1. Scheme of preliminary check of corners of installation of wheels