Mazda 3 since 2003
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
3. Transmission
3.1. Coupling
3.2. Mechanical transmission
3.3. Automatic transmission
3.3.1. General information
3.3.2. Design and operation of the mechanism of transmission
3.3.3. System of electronic control (RSM)
3.3.4. Mechanism of switching of an automatic transmission
3.4. Driving mechanism
3.5. Tables
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body



3.3.1. General information

Work of an electronic automatic transmission in the block shares with the main transfer on three systems: the mechanism of electronic control, the hydraulic mechanism of management and the transmission mechanism (turns on the hydrotransformer).
Receiving signals from switches and sensors in entrance system, the electronic block of the mechanism of electronic control (RSM) gives out a signal which coordinates existing traffic conditions with the linear solenoid, switching solenoids and solenoids of a running cycle in the hydraulic mechanism of management.
In turn, the hydraulic mechanism of management, receiving signals from the RSM block, switches hydraulic channels in the block of managing directors of valves and operates pressure of inclusion of coupling.

Fig. 3.71. Block diagram of work of an automatic transmission of FN4A-EL of the Mazda 3 car: 1–transmission mechanism; 2–hydraulic mechanism of management; 3–mechanism of electronic control; 4–hydrotransformer; 5–couplings, brakes; 6–planetary transfer; 7–differential; 8–the block of operating valves; 9–solenoids of switching of D, E; 10-solenoid of regulation of pressure (linear type); 11-solenoids of switching of A, B, C (solenoids of a running cycle); 12-oil pump; 13-RSM block; 14-signal of the sensor of pressure of oil; 15-speed of a vehicle; 16-temperature of working liquid in a transmission; 17-speed of rotation of a drum of the coupling of a forward course; 18-speed of rotation of a cranked shaft of the engine; 19-signal of provision of a butterfly valve; 20-couplings, inclusion of brakes, pressure of shutdown; 21-capacity stream; 22-an operating signal of hydraulic pressure; 23-electronic signal; 24-wheel

Pressure in the pipeline is regulated by the linear solenoid. Hydraulic channels are switched by switching solenoids (solenoids of switching of D and Е), operate pressure of inclusion of coupling solenoids of a running cycle (solenoids of switching of A, B, and C) (cм. fig. 3.71).
In the transmission mechanism the motive power from the engine is transferred via the hydrotransformer to a transmission in the block with the main transfer.

Fig. 3.72. Cross-section section of an automatic transmission of FN4A-EL of the Mazda 3 car: 1–hydrotransformer; 2–oil pump; 3–coupling of a forward course; 4–planetary transfer of a forward course; 5–planetary transfer of a backing; 6–coupling 3–4; 7–coupling of inclusion of a backing; 8–tape of a brake 2–4; 9–brake of transfer of a backing and low gear; 10-unilateral coupling; 11-gear wheel of primary shaft; 12-gear wheel of a secondary shaft; 13-leading gear wheel of the main transfer; 14-differential

The transferred motive power operates each coupling and a brake according to pressure of inclusion of coupling from solenoids of a running cycle. Planetary transfers change the transfer relation for optimization of a motive power. Further the motive power is transferred through differential to a shaft of a drive of wheels and then – to wheels.

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3.3. Automatic transmission
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3.3.2. Design and operation of the mechanism of transmission