2.7.3. Installation of the oil filter
Remove and establish all elements only on the cold engine, otherwise, it is possible to get serious burns or a heavy trauma.
Poddomkrachennoye, but not fixed vehicle represents danger.
Never work near or under the lifted vehicle if it reliably is not fixed by support.
In case of the passage of engine oil on a forward pipe of system of release, completely wipe it.
If you do not clean the spilled oil, it becomes a source of a white smoke because of high temperature.
Remove the bottom cover.
Remove the oil filter, using the special adaptation.
Use pure rags to wipe a landing surface on the block of cylinders.
Put pure engine oil on laying of the new oil filter.
Establish the oil filter, using the special adaptation and observing the specified moment of an inhaling (fig. 2.289).
Inhaling moment: 11,7–15,7 N · m.
Fill in demanded amount of engine oil.
Start the engine and be convinced of absence of leakage of oil.
If leakage of oil takes place, find out the reason and repair or replace the corresponding element.
Check oil level.
Establish the bottom cover.