Mazda 3 since 2003
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
2.1. General description of new engines of the L8, LF and L3 models
2.2. Mechanical part of engines
2.3. Appendix 1
2.4. Appendix 2
2.5. Appendix 3
2.6. The Z6 engine – a mechanical part
2.7. Greasing system
2.8. Cooling system
2.9. Admission system
2.10. Fuel system
2.11. System of production of the fulfilled gases and system of decrease in toxicity
2.11.1. Removal and installation of system of release Removal Installation
2.11.2. System of decrease in toxicity
2.12. Ignition system
2.13. Control system
2.14. Tables
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body f084bf0f f084bf0f

2-11-1-1-snyatie.html Removal

Uncover the storage battery.
Disconnect a negative wire from the storage battery.
Remove the bottom cover.

Fig. 2.331. Components of system of production of the fulfilled gases of the car with the Z6 engine: 1–cross-piece of the back tunnel; 2–cross-piece of the forward tunnel; 3–main exhaust silencer; 4–the back sensor of concentration of oxygen with heating; 5–the forward sensor of concentration of oxygen with heating; 6–a pipe of a retsirkulyatsiya of the fulfilled gases (from a final collector); 7–element; 8–arm of a final collector; 9–clip; 10-three-componental catalytic converter; 11-thermal screen of a final collector; 12-laying of a final collector

Remove components in an order shown in drawing 2.331 on page 157.
Removal of a final collector / thermal screen of a final collector

The excessive bend of an exhaust pipe can lead to its damage.

At removal of a final collector, take aside the thermal screen of a final collector a little, weaken nuts, and then remove a final collector together with the screen. Address to the following procedure.

Remove forward wheels.
Uncover the air filter and the case of the air filter.
Remove a pipe of a retsirkulyatsiya of the fulfilled gases (from an inlet collector).
Remove knot of the valve of a retsirkulyatsiya of the fulfilled gases.
Disconnect a steering shaft from the steering mechanism, disconnect steering drafts.
Disconnect a pressure head hose and a returnable hose.
Remove an engine No. 1 support.
Weaken bolts of the thermal screen of a final collector.
Take the thermal screen of a final collector a little aside and weaken nuts of a final collector.
Remove bolts of fastening of a forward cross-piece and the forward stabilizer of a suspension bracket.
Weaken bolts of fastening of a forward cross-piece and lower a forward cross-piece approximately on 100 mm.

Fig. 2.332. Fixing of a flexible pipe

Tie up a flexible pipe or fix, as is shown in drawing 2.332.
Remove a final collector together with an insulator having lowered it to the lower part of the car.

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2.11.1. Removal and installation of system of release
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