2-1-4-1-obshhie-svedeniya.html General informationThe engine of the car maintain in various climatic conditions and at various loadings. Temperature of cooling liquid and consequently also the engine, should be regulated and remain in a narrow temperature range that is provided with system of cooling of the engine.
The system of cooling of tight type turns on the water pump with a drive from a belt, the radiator fan, a radiator, a broad tank, the thermostat and a heater radiator, hoses and switches. At start-up of the cold engine cooling liquid circulates round the block of cylinders and a block head. Warm cooling liquid passes through a heater radiator to the water pump. As cooling liquid when heating extends, its level in a broad tank raises. Intake of cooling liquid through a radiator stops thanks to thermostat closing. When cooling liquid will reach a certain temperature, the thermostat opens and hot cooling liquid passes through a hose to a radiator. As cooling liquid passes through a radiator, there is its cooling by a stream of counter air.
Fig. 2.47. Components of system of cooling of Mazda 3 cars: 1–radiator; 2–radiator cover; 3–thermostat; 4–the pump of cooling liquid; 5–blade of the fan of system of cooling; 6–engine of the fan of system of cooling No. 1, engine of the fan of system of cooling No. 2; 7–L3 engines; 8–LF engines, except for engines for L8
The casing of the thermostat is located near a radiator on four-cylinder engines and in the top back part of the engine on six-cylinder engines (fig. 2.47).
Fig. 2.48. Block diagram of system of cooling of engines of the LF models and L3: 1–heater; 2–radiator; 3–broad tank of a coolant; 4–thermostat; 5–the pump of cooling liquid; 6–head of the block of cylinders; 7–block of cylinders; 8–maslookhladitel